Senin, 16 Januari 2023

Materi bahasa inggris untuk kelas 4, tanggal 17 Januari 2023


Nama                        : Sofi Nahari Oktariani, S.Pd.

Satuan Pendidikan     : SD Al Azhar 2 dan 3

Kelas/semester           : 4 / 2

Tema                          : Body and Face

Good Morning class
Alhamdulillah Allah still gives us mercy and blessing so that we can gather in the class with healthy dan happy. As usual, I always to remind you to pray five times, dhuha and do murojaah. Praying become our needs. 

Well students, we are going to discuss about body and face. Do you know about your Part of Body?
In this moment, you have to memorize each part of body. After memorizing the vocabulary, you can know how to explain the names and the function of its part of body. 

To know more about our learning material today, let us do in the class. 


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