Minggu, 01 Januari 2023

Materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 3 semester 2 SD Al Azhar 2 Bandar Lampung


Nama                        : Sofi Nahari Oktariani, S.Pd.
Satuan Pendidikan    : SD AL AZHAR 2
Kelas / Semester       : 3 / 2
Materi Pembelajaran : Sharing Session

Good morning class..How is your life? May Allah is always protect you in every situation. Don't forget to pray five times, dhuha and do murojaah. 
Anyway, finally we can meet again at school after  long holiday. Two weeks without seeing you make me miss our moment at class. So, how about you? Do you miss me? 😃
During the holiday, I only spend the time with family in Bandar Lampung. The new year is also coming with the new spirit. How about your holiday kids? is that fun and full of happiness? 
Would you like to share the stroy about your holiday?
Yup, we can share our stroty in the clas with your friends 😍   

Well students, semoga cerita kita hari ini bermanfaat dan menjadikan kita lebih baik lagi, lebih semangat lagi dalam belajar. 


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