Selasa, 03 Januari 2023

Materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 3 SD Al Azhar 2, Tanggal 4 Januari 2023


Nama                            : Sofi Nahari Oktariani, S.Pd.
Satuan Pendidikan        : SD Al Azhar 2 Bandar Lampung
Kelas/Semester             : 3 / 2
Tema                             : Family Tree

Good Morning students, How are you today? I am grateful to meet you in a wonderful day. May Allah gives us mercy and blessings so we can do our teaching and learning process.
I always to remind you to pray five times, Dhuha and do murojaah. I hope that we can be a better person in this year. aamiinn..

Well students, today we are going to discuss about our learning material is Family Tree. Do you know what is the family tree? Family Tree in bahasa is Pohon Keluarga. There is Grand Parents, Parents, Aunty, uncle, daughter, son, nephew, cousin and many more. 
Now take a look to the picture on the white board about family tree and lets discuss together. 
Open your book page 26 😊

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