Senin, 31 Juli 2023

Materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 4, Selasa 1 Agustus 2023


Nama                         : Sofi Nahari Oktariani, S.Pd.

Satuan Pendidikan     : SD Al Azhar 3

Kelas / Semester        : IV / I

Materi                        : My Daily Activity


Get Dressed

Go to School

Play Football

Lets Read .

My Name is Nada. I am a Student. On weekdays I usually get up at four thirty a.m. After I make my bed, I always pray . I have a shower and brush my teeth at five o’clock. My mother prepares breakfast for my family. I eat toast and pancakes and usually I drink chocolate at six o’clock, because my school starts at seven o’clock. I study many lessons at school. After I study, I go home with my friends at twelve thirty. Then I have lunch with my mum and my brother at one o’clock. In the evening, I do my homework. After that, i have dinner with my family. I often watch TV after dinner. And usually I go to bed at nine p.m. I sometimes read a book before I go to sleep.

Are the sentences TRUE or FALSE ? Correct the false ones ? 
1. Nada Gets up at 05.30 
2. She has a brother 
3. She never drinks milk for breakfast 
4. She does her homework in the evening
5. She goes to bed at 09.30

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