Senin, 21 Februari 2022

Materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 5D, 5E dan 5F hari selasa tanggal 22 Februari 2022


Nama                                : Sofi Nahari Oktariani, S.Pd.

Satuan Pendidikan            : SD AL AZHAR 2 BANDAR LAMPUNG

Kelas / Semester               : 5 / 2

Mata Pelajaran                  : Bahasa Inggris

Hello students.. How are you today? Bagaimana kabar anak-anak semuanya hari ini? Semoga kita semua selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT. aamiin...

Semoga anak-anak sholeh sholehah selalu diberikan kesabaran dan semangat belajar di rumah yaa and  Don't forget to pray five times and do murojaah at home. 

Today we will learn english while watching short movie about "Pet". Anyone who wants to watch a movie with me? 😀 Yup, hari ini kita akan belajar bahasa inggris sambil menonton film tentang hewan peliharaan.  Siapa yang ingin menonton filmnya bersama miss? 

Oke, are you ready? Lets check it out!

Well, have you watched the movie? how's the movie, are you interested or not? 

Baik, apakah anak-anak sudah menonton filmnya? Bagaimana cerita filmnya, apakah anak-anak tertarik dengan filmnya? 

Yuk beri komentar tentang film yang anak-anak tonton hari ini di kolom komentar blogger miss di bawah ini yaa 😃


Wassalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh...

45 komentar:

  1. Assalammualaikum..
    M. Archietama Charisma Putra
    Grade 5D
    No. 16

    This movie tells about a young boy with some disability and his new dog, the present from his mom. I learned something from this movie that we should always be grateful for what we have. Loving our pets is an example of our gratitude. And this movie also gives us motivation in life, even though we have some disability, don't give up but always keep spirit.
    Thank you Ms. Sofi..

    1. Thanks for nice comment Archie, u are always amazing. your written expression is better day by day :)

  2. Assalamualaikum wr. wb
    Name : Raffie putra faeyza
    Grade : 5F
    No : 20

    This movie tells about a young boy with some disability and his new dog, the present from his mom. I learned something from this movie that we should always be grateful for what we have. Loving our pets is an example of our gratitude. And this movie also gives us motivation in life, even though we have some disability, don't give up but always keep spirit.
    Thank you Ms. Sofi.

  3. Assalamu'alaikum mis

    Nama: syadiva Qhiranie
    No absen:22

    This movie tells about a young boy with some disability and his new dog, the present from his mom. I learned something from this movie that we should always be grateful for what we have. Loving our pets is an example of our gratitude. And this movie also gives us motivation in life, even though we have some disability, don't give up but always keep spirit.
    Thank you Ms. Sofi.😊😊😊

    1. why dont you to give comment with your own writing? kenapa gak tulis komen nya dengan menggunakan kalimat sendiri nak?

  4. Assalamualaikum wr. wb
    Name : M. Azka Sauqi Ramadhan R.
    Grade : 5F
    No : 10

    This movie tells about a young boy with some disability and his new dog, the present from his mom. I learned something from this movie that we should always be grateful for what we have. Loving our pets is an example of our gratitude. And this movie also gives us motivation in life, even though we have some disability, don't give up but always keep spirit.
    Thank you Ms. Sofi.

  5. M. Arkana Adhyaksa Abas
    Class 5F
    I've watched the movie, it's a good movie.
    Thank you miss..🙏

  6. Assalamu'alaikum miss..
    Name : Najwa Hasifah Denny
    Grade : 5D
    No absence : 21

    The short explores the challenging topic of disability and living with an amputated leg, and the boy has a new puppy but this pupy only has three legs. He's missing one of his front legs... but that doesn’t slow him down. It brings the boy out of his shell and helps him realize that we can be happy the way we are, even if we aren’t 'perfect'.
    The Present, the dog continues to respond positively, while the boy name Tiga, also demonstrates resilience, yet this is a quality often explored through the human traits of the dog protagonist...

    The meaning of this movie is that we should love our pets..
    And don't ever give up, But we must continue to be passionate in living life...
    Thank you Mrs sofi for the movie...

  7. Assalamu'alaikum miss..
    Name : Syaqilla Nafa Putri Stiadi
    Grade : 5F
    No absence : 24

    This movie tells about a young boy with some disability and his new dog, the present from his mom. I learned something from this movie that we should always be grateful for what we have. Loving our pets is an example of our gratitude. And this movie also gives us motivation in life, even though we have some disability, don't give up but always keep spirit.
    Thank you Ms. Sofi..

  8. Assalamu'alaikum miss
    Nama:Annisa Nur Azizah
    No absen:03
    I've watched the movie, it's a good
    Thank you miss🙏🙏

  9. Assalamu'alaikum mis

    Nama: Devdan Dwi Putra Samantha Rohi
    No absen:6

    This movie tells about a young boy with some disability and his new dog, the present from his mom. I learned something from this movie that we should always be grateful for what we have. Loving our pets is an example of our gratitude. And this movie also gives us motivation in life, even though we have some disability, don't give up but always keep spirit.
    Thank you Ms Sofi.😊🙏🏻🙏🏻

  10. Name: Keyla Shakira
    No absence: 09

    This movie tells about a young boy with some disability and his new dog, the present from his mom. I learned something from this movie that we should always be grateful for what we have. Loving our pets is an example of our gratitude. And this movie also gives us motivation in life, even though we have some disability, don't give up but always keep spirit.
    Thank you Ms. Sofi

  11. Assalamu'alaikum miss
    Nama:M al fahri ramadhan
    Kelas :5E

    This movie tells about a young boy with some disability and his new dog, the present from his mom. I learned something from this movie that we should always be grateful for what we have. Loving our pets is an example of our gratitude. And this movie also gives us motivation in life, even though we have some disability, don't give up but always keep spirit.
    Thank you Ms. Sofi.

    1. why dont you to give comment with your own writing? kenapa gak tulis komen nya dengan menggunakan kalimat sendiri nak?

  12. Assalamualaikum Miss...

    Name: Assyifa rizquita
    No absence:4

    The short explores the challenging
    Topic of disability and living with an
    Amputeted leg,and the boy has a new puppy but this pupy only three legs,He's Missing one of his front leg's....but that doesn't slow him bringas the boy out of hiss Shell and helps him realize that we can be happy the way we are,even of we aren't 'perfect'.
    The present,the dog continues to respond positively, while the boy
    Name tiga,also demonstrates resilience,yet this is a quality often explored through the human traits of the dog protagonist...

    The meaning of this movie is that we should love our pets..
    And don't ever give up,but we must continue to be passionate on living life...
    Thank you Mrs Sofi for the movie...

  13. Assalamualaikum Miss

    Reyndita Puti Azzahra
    kelas V E
    Absen 23

    This Movie gives motivation to us, how to be enthusiatic and grateful in any condition, and so that we always love our pets..

    thank you ms. sofi🙏🏻

  14. Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb, Miss Sofi...
    Nama:Nikeisha Azizah Khuluq
    No absen:20
    Hadir Miss Sofi...

    This film tells the story of a boy who gets a gift in the form of a disabled puppy. The boy realized that the wasn't the only one with a disability, and he began to learn to be grateful for the situation he was in....
    Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb....

  15. Assalamualaikum Miss..
    Name: M. Zulal Arwa
    Class: VF
    No. Absen: 11

    This movie tells about a young boy with some disability and his new dog, the present from his mom. I learned something from this movie that we should always be grateful for what we have. Loving our pets is an example of our gratitude. And this movie also gives us motivation in life, even though we have some disability, don't give up but always keep spirit.
    Thank you Ms. Sofi 🙏🙏

  16. Nama :wildan nawa azizan
    Kelas :5f
    Absen 026
    Hadir miss sofi

    The film gives us an advice that we must be kind to animals ,in cluding our pets even though our pets are getting sick.

  17. Assalamualaikum miss
    Nama:Zaid Makhtum Al Bakhria

    This movie give motivation to us
    How to be enthusiatic and gratefl
    In any conditiona and so that we
    Always love our pat

    Thanks you ms. Sofi

  18. Assalamualaikum
    Nama:Muhammad Ghifari

    Very interesting film.
    A boy who has physical limitations and gets a gift in the form of a dog who has physical limitations as well. But keep the spirit to play together

    Thank you Ms Sofi

  19. Nama:izora orlena aqilla
    Hadir Miss
    ...This movie tells about a young boy with some disability and his new dog, the present from his mom. I learned something from this movie that we should always be grateful for what we have. Loving our pets is an example of our gratitude. And this movie also gives us motivation in life, even though we have some disability, don't give up but always keep spirit.

    Thank you Miss...

    1. why dont you to give comment with your own writing? kenapa gak tulis komen nya dengan menggunakan kalimat sendiri nak?

  20. Nama : fairuz aidil ikhsan
    Kelas : 5D
    Absen : 11
    This movie tells about a young boy with some disability and his new dog, the present from his mom. I learned something from this movie that we should always be grateful for what we have. Loving our pets is an example of our gratitude. And this movie also gives us motivation in life, even though we have some disability, don't give up but always keep spirit.

  21. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  22. Assalamualaikum miss
    Kelas: 5d
    No.absen 22

    This film tells of a disabled boy and gets a gift of a dog who is also disabled, the boy initially does not receive a dog gift, but because the dog can prove that with our limitations, we can do what we want by trying, finally the boy accepted the dog and played with him.

    Thank you miss.

  23. Assalamualaikum miss
    Nama : Nadia Ilona Bachtiar
    Kelas : 5 E
    Absen : 19

    This movie tells about a young boy with some disability and his new dog, the present from his mom. I learned something from this movie that we should always be grateful for what we have. Loving our pets is an example of our gratitude. And this movie also gives us motivation in life, even though we have some disability, don't give up but always keep spirit.
    Thank you miss sofi🙂🙏

  24. Assalamu'alaikum miss
    Nama:hazeeqah fikri hadirani
    Hadir miss

    This film tells the story about a young boy and his new dog, a gift from his mother. From this film I learned that we should always be grateful for what we have. Loving our pets is an example of our gratitude. And this film also gives us motivation in life, even though we have shortcomings, don't give up but keep the spirit.

  25. Assalammualaikum..
    Name: Aldo rasya mahardika

    This movie tells about a young boy with some disability and his new dog, the present from his mom. I learned something from this movie that we should always be grateful for what we have. Loving our pets is an example of our gratitude. And this movie also gives us motivation in life, even though we have some disability, don't give up but always keep spirit.
    Thank you Ms. Sofi..

  26. Assalamu'alaikum miss
    Name:Danur artha. R

    Yes, I've watched the movie and the movie is very good,
    Yes i'm very interstad in the film.
    Thanks you miss

  27. Assalammualaikum Miss
    Nama:Farradea Allycha Larasaty
    No absen:12

    This movie tells about a young boy with some disability and his new dog, the present from his mom. I learned something from this movie that we should always be grateful for what we have. Loving our pets is an example of our gratitude. And this movie also gives us motivation in life, even though we have some disability, don't give up but always keep spirit.
    Thank you Ms. Sofi.

  28. Assalamualaikum Miss
    Nama : Gendis Anindya S
    Kelas. : 5E
    Absen: 10

    This film tells about the meaning of life and motivation and learning to respect other creatures.
    Thank you miss

  29. Assalamu'alaikum miss
    Nama:Dhinea dzakia queenta
    No. Absen:08
    This film teels the story of a disabled boy and a new dog given to him by his mother to motivate the boy🙏

  30. Assalamualaikum Miss...

    Name: Darakirana Zakinisa
    No absence:07

    The short explores the challenging
    Topic of disability and living with an
    Amputeted leg,and the boy has a new puppy but this pupy only three legs,He's Missing one of his front leg's....but that doesn't slow him bringas the boy out of hiss Shell and helps him realize that we can be happy the way we are,even of we aren't 'perfect'.
    The present,the dog continues to respond positively, while the boy
    Name tiga,also demonstrates resilience,yet this is a quality often explored through the human traits of the dog protagonist...

    The meaning of this movie is that we should love our pets..
    And don't ever give up,but we must continue to be passionate on living life...
    Thank you Mrs Sofi for the movie...

  31. assalamualaikum
    athirah Zaskia putri

    tells the story of a disabled boy and his mother's gift of a new dog. From this film we should be grateful for what we have. Loving our pets is an example of our gratitude. And this film also gives us motivation in life, even though we have limitations

  32. Assalamu'alaikum Miss...
    Aydin Khalfani Pasha
    Kelas 5D
    No. Absen 5

    This movie is telling about the young boy who is disabled. He always plays the game in whole day. Until his mom give him the present a puppy who is also disabled. From his puppy he learn to always keep spirit and learn how to be grateful in any condition.

    Thank you Miss🙏🏻

  33. Assalamualaikum wr.wb Miss

    Nama : Muhammad Fikri All Kasmir
    Kelas : 5E
    No. Absen : 15
    Hadir Miss Sofi

    This film tells us about a boy who gets a gift from his mother in the form of a disabled puppy. To motivate us to keep our spirits up and always be grateful in any condition and so that we also always love our pets.
    Thank you Miss Sofi 🙏

    Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

  34. Haii Miss..
    Nama : Ayu Hafidza
    Kelas : 5.D
    No Absen : 06

    This movie tells about a young boy with some disability and his new dog, the present from his mom. I learned something from this movie that we should always be grateful for what we have. Loving our pets is an example of our gratitude. And this movie also gives us motivation in life, even though we have some disability, don't give up but always keep spirit.
    Thank you Ms. Sofi🤗

  35. Assalamualaikum Miss...
    Nama : Rifa Adelia Wardhani L
    Kelas : 5f
    No. Absen : 21

    A film that gives motivasion that physical limitations do not have to be lived by feeling alone.
    Thank you..

  36. Assalamu'alaikum Miss
    Nama:Aisyah Raniah Putri
    Absen: 01
    Hadir Miss....

    This film tells the story of a boy who has a disability like his new dog, which was given to him by his mother. taught me from this film that we should always be grateful for what we have. and respect for each other. We should also be grateful for the limitations that we have. This film also gives us enthusiasm in life, even though we have limitations, don't give up but keep the spirit.
    Thank you, Miss Sofi.

  37. Assalamualaikumm miss

    Nama : Mutiara Agatha N.
    Kelas : 5E
    Absen : 18

    This movie tells about a young boy with some disability and his new dog, the present from his mom. I learned something from this movie that we should always be grateful for what we have. Loving our pets is an example of our gratitude. And this movie also gives us motivation in life, even though we have some disability, don't give up but always keep spirit.
    Thank you Ms. sofi ☺️🙏🏻

  38. Assalamualaikum mis
    Name arsetya putra ramadhan aris
    Class 5e
    No absen 03
    Hadir mis

    This movie tells about a young boy with some disability and his new dog, the present from his mom. I learned something from this movie that we should always be grateful for what we have. Loving our pets is an example of our gratitude. And this movie also gives us motivation in life, even though we have some disability, don't give up but always keep spirit.
    Thank you Ms. Sofi..

  39. Assalamualaikum wr.wb miss
    Nama :Ardhani Balapradana Sasmi Putra
    Kls :5D
    Absen :04
    This movie tells about a young boy
    Whit some disability and his new dog,the present from his mom.I learned something from this movie that we have.loving our pet is an example of our gratitude.and this movie also gives us motivation in life even tought we have some disability,don't give up but always keep spirit
    Wassalamualaikum wr.wb
